The Warqui Paratha or the ‘layered‘ paratha is a gourmet’s delight. Cooked with a lot of ghee, it can be stored for a longer duration. It is a popular bread for picnics and journeys, as it tastes good even when cold and goes very well with kababs; it is a standard breakfast fare too.


Flour                                       1 kg

Salt                                          1 tbsp

Ghee                                       50 gms

Sugar                                      20 gms

Water                                      for kneading 


Malai                                      150 gms

Fat                                           200 gms

Flour                                       50 gms

Kewra essence                       few drops



Prepare a soft dough with flour, salt, ghee, sugar and cold water. Keep aside for 30-45 minutes in a cool place.

Shape into equal round balls and roll it with a rolling pin about 5-6 cm in diameter. Put an even layer of the fat mixture on one rolled surface. Fold into half. Apply fat mixture on surface. Refold into quarters. Shape this quarter into a ball gently. Repeat the process once again. Finally roll to 12 to 15 cms in diameter. Bake in a moderate oven.

Filling for layering

Cream malai, flour and fat together till smooth and add a little bit of kewra essence to it. This mixture is used to layer the different types of flaky parathas and naans.